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How to obtain an 'A' carrier's licence?​

An 'A' carrier licence is a licence which enables the owner of a goods vehicle to use that vehicle for the carriage of goods for hire or reward, subject to conditions attached to the licence.

 Call at the NLTA with your National Identity Card, your Birth Certificate and a 'Certificat de Moralite' (recent). If the application is to be made on the name of a company, bring along the originals of the deed of company and the certificate of incorporation and a copy of both documents.
(Documents to be produced)

 Fill in an application form. (Download application form)

 Pay the application fee of Rs 300.

 If your application is successful, you will be so informed and will be issued with your licence upon payment of Rs 300 or Rs 700 depending on whether you wish to have your licence for a period of one or three years.

 The licence has to be renewed for further periods for one or three years upon payment of Rs. 300 or Rs 700 respectively.

Note: Only vehicles having Maximum Gross Weight (MGW) of 2500 Kgs and above may be licensed as 'A' Carrier.

​​How to obtain a 'B' Carrier's licence?

A 'B' carrier licence is a licence which enables the owner of a goods vehicle to use that vehicle for the carriage of goods and persons free of charge for or in connection with any trade or business carried on by him. The original of the business registration number and one photocopy thereof has to be produced at the time of application for the licence.

 Call at the NLTA with your National Identity Card. If the application is to be made on the name of a company, bring along the original and a copy of the certificate of incorporation and business registration number.
(original + readable photocopy)

 Fill in an appropriate application form. ()

 Pay an application fee of Rs 300.

If your application is successful, you will be so informed and will be issued with your licence upon payment of Rs 300 or Rs 700 depending on whether you wish to have your licence for a period of one or three years.

The licence has to be renewed for further periods of one or three years upon payment of Rs 300 or Rs 700 respectively.

How to apply for Concessionary Rate of Road Tax?​

Click on the link to download the application form.

How to obtain a contract bus licence?​

Call at the NLTA with your birth certificate and your National Identity Card. If the application is to be made on the name of a company, bring along the original and a copy of the certificate of incorporation.

You will be explained the procedures and handed over the application form for the type of licence you wish to apply for.

The application fee of Rs 300 is payable at the time of submission of the application form.

You will be convened for a hearing by the Licensing Committee and if your application is successful, you will be informed accordingly.

You will be requested to call at the Licensing Section for conditions of implementation, fees applicable for implementation and renewal of licence.

How to obtain a contract car licence?​

Call at the NLTA with your birth certificate and your National Identity Card. If the application is to be made on the name of a company, bring along the original and a copy of the certificate of incorporation.

Other documents which will have to be brought along:

 a letter of intent from a hotel, travel agency or tour operator to hire your services;

 a feasibility report of the project.

 a sketch showing the location of base of operation or residence.

You will have to apply for a minimum of three cars for the first application. The application fee is Rs 300 per vehicle.

You will be convened for a hearing by the Licensing Committee and if your application is successful, you will be informed accordingly.

You will be requested to call at the Licensing Section for conditions of implementation, fees applicable for implementation and renewal of licence.

You will have to implement all three licences at one go. Later on, you may apply for additional licences one at a time if you so wish. You can implement contract car licences on new or second hand imported vehicles which are less than 2 years old.

Click below to download:

Documents to be produced for Application for Public Service Vehicle (Contract Car) Licence
- Application for a Public Service Vehicle Licence to Operate a Contract Car

​How to obtain a motor vehicle dealer's licence (TP)?

This licence is issued to motor vehicle dealers, manufacturers or repairers only. It enables them to run motor vehicles which do not have a valid motor vehicle licence on public roads for specific purposes such as trial by potential clients, testing after repairs, etc. These vehicles have TP plates affixed to them.

The applicant will be called for a hearing by the Authority and if his application is successful, he will be informed accordingly.

He will be requested to call at the Licensing Section for conditions of implementation and will be issued the TP plates. He will have to draw up an insurance certificate for operation of the identification number and call back at the NLTA for implementation of the licence.

Fees charged are as follows:

 Motor vehicle dealer's licence: Rs. 25,000
(Includes the issue of an identification number)

 Each additional identification number: Rs. 12,000

 A set of identification plates: Rs. 2,000

 Duplicate licence: Rs 400

Click below to download forms:

Motor vehicle Dealer's Licence - Application for Additional Identification Number
Application for the Renewal of Motor vehicle Dealer's Licence

​How to obtain a Petrol Service Station Licence?

(1) Private Petrol Station

Private petrol station licences are granted to owners who have a sizable fleet of vehicles and a monthly fuel consumption of not less 13500 litres.

To apply for such a licence, you need to send a letter supported by a recommendation from a petrol distributing company to the Road Transport Commissioner.

After a preliminary enquiry on consumption of fuel, a formal application form will be delivered to you for filling in case you have the stated volume of consumption.

You have to pay an application fee of Rs 300.

When your application has been approved, you will be so informed. The licence will be issued to you upon payment of Rs 3000. The license is renewable on a yearly basis upon payment of Rs 3,000.

(2) Petrol Service Station

Petrol service station licences authorize the operation of service stations for dispensing petroleum products and ancillary services to the public.

Call at the NLTA to collect relevant application form. The completed form should be submitted accompanied by a letter from a petrol distributing company. Pay the application fee of Rs 300.

You will be convened for a hearing by the Licensing Committee and, if your application is successful, you will be informed accordingly. You will at the same time be informed of the conditions of implementation of the licence.

The licence will be issued to you upon payment of Rs 2,000. The licence is renewable on a yearly basis upon payment of Rs 2,000.

Click below to download form:

Application Form for Petrol Service Station Licence​

​How to obtain a conductor's licence?

Call at the NLTA Head Office – Conductors' counter

Bring along

 your birth certificate;

 a 'Certificate de Moralite'(recent);

  • your National Identity Card and a photocopy thereof;

     2 passport-sized photographs;

     a medical certificate on your health condition(recent); and

     educational certificate, if any.

    Fill in an application form. (Download Application Form)

    A copy of regulations governing the duties of a bus conductor will be handed to you.

    You will be called upon to undergo a written examination to assess your knowledge of regulations.

    If you are successful, you will be convened for a briefing session and you will be issued with your licence and your conductor's badge upon payment of the appropriate fees (Rs 200 for badge and Rs 200 for licence).

    The licence is renewable on a yearly basis upon payment of Rs 200.

  • How to obtain a road service licence?​

    You can only apply for a road service licence when applications are invited in the press and you meet the criteria laid down in the advertisement.

    Call at the NLTA with your birth certificate and your National Identity Card. If the application is to be made on the name of a company, bring along the deed of company and the certificate of incorporation.

    Fill in an application form.

    Other documents to be produced are -

     a sketch indicating the location of your residence;

     your CEB or CWA or telephone bill confirming your place of residence.

    You will have to pay an application fee of Rs. 300.

    You will be convened for a hearing by the Licensing Committee and if your application is successful, you will be informed accordingly.

    You will be requested to call at the Licensing Section for conditions of implementation, fees applicable for implementation and renewal of licence.

  • How to obtain a taxi licence?​

    You can only apply for a taxi licence when applications are invited in the press and you meet the criteria laid down in the advertisement.

    Call at the NLTA to collect the application form.

    Bring along your birth certificate and your National Identity Card.

    Other documents to be produced are -

     your taxi driving licence;

     a recent passport size photograph of yourself;

     a sketch indicating the location of your residence; and

     your CEB or CWA bill or telephone confirming your place of residence.

    You will have to pay an application fee of Rs 300.

    You will be convened for a hearing by the Licensing Committee and if your application is successful, you will be informed accordingly.

    You will then be requested to call at the Licensing Section for conditions of implementation, fees applicable for implementation and renewal of licence.



The National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) is a public body operating under the aegis of the Ministry Land Transport and Light Rail. It is a regulatory body for Land Transport and Light Rail. It was established under the Road Traffic Act 1980 and subsequently amended under the NLTA Act No. 16 of 2019.
Contact Details

M.S.I Building, Les Cassis, Mauritius

Tel: (230) 202 - 2800
