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Vehicle Examination

Vehicle Examination

1. How to obtain an appointment for vehicle examination (fitness)
2. Which vehicles have to undergo a vehicle examination and how much does it cost?
3. Motor Vehicle Examination Fees
4. How to obtain a duplicate in case of loss of test certificate or certificate of fitness?

How to obtain an appointment for vehicle examination (fitness)

Following the privatization of the vehicle examination centres which became effective on 03 November 2016, appointments for vehicle examination have to be booked with the private examinations as follows:
​A​utocheck, Plaine Lauzun - (Phone number 286 7741)
Eastern, Petite Retraite, Laventure - (Phone number 650 1000)
SGS, Forest Side - (Phone number 602 1200)

Please contact the examination stations for any additional information on bookings.

Which vehicles have to undergo a vehicle examination and how much does it cost?

(1) New and second hand imported vehicles

Prior to their registration, new and second hand imported vehicles are examined with a view to obtaining a Particulars of Motor Vehicle Form. The following documents will have to be produced:

(a) Bill of Entry of the vehicle.

(b) Certificate of registration/deregistration from the country of origin (second hand/reconditioned vehicles).

(c) Original log book (if available)

(d) Pre-shipment certificate from country of original

(e) Either a removal permit or a TP.

A Particulars of Motor Vehicle form will be issued against payment of the prescribed fees.

(2) Vehicles already registered

Autocycles are not required to undergo an examination except for re-registration purposes or when directed to do so by authorised officers.

All other vehicles need to undergo an examination, except private cars and motor cycles which are exempted from such tests for the first seven years as from the date of original registration, either in Mauritius or abroad. 

Documents to be produced during examination of motor vehicles:

(a) Registration book.

(b) Insurance certificate.

(c) Licence attached to the vehicle, if any.

(d) Removal permit or TP if vehicle is unlicensed.

Once your vehicle has been examined and found fit to be on the road, you will be issued with certificate of fitness for the vehicle.

Motor Vehicle Examination Fees​     

​Type of Vehicles
Heavy motor cars
Motor cars
Tractors/Prime movers
Buses (including contract buses)
Goods vehicles, other than 3-wheelers
Heavy motor vehicles
Verification of particulars in respect of -

​    (i) Motorcycles and autocycles at -
​​          a. Examination station ​​​          
​          b. Importer's Premises            
​    (ii) Other vehicles at ​​
​   ​​       a. Examination station ​          
​          b. Importer's Premises ​          


Duplicate certificate of fitness
Certified copy of certificate of fitness
Change in particulars
Provision of new chassis / engine number
Fee for first re-examination
​Fees for second re-examination or subsequent re-examination
​Same Examination Fee
Fee for examination following black smoke/prohibition notice/order
Outdoor examination of an oversized vehicle on site

How to obtain a duplicate in case of loss of test certificate or certificate of fitness?

Call at the Police Station of your locality to get a memo from the police certifying that you have reported the loss of your test or certificate of fitness.

Call at the Vehicle Examination Station where your vehicle was examined together with your National Identity Card and the police memo.

You will be issued a duplicate after you have paid the fee of Rs 200.

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The National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) is a public body operating under the aegis of the Ministry Land Transport. It is a regulatory body for Land Transport. It was established under the Road Traffic Act 1980 and subsequently amended under the NLTA Act No. 16 of 2019.
Contact Details

M.S.I Building, Les Cassis, Mauritius

Tel: (230) 202 - 2800
