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Mission and Vision

​​Mission and Vision
The National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) is a public body operating under the aegis of the Ministry Land Transport. It is a regulatory body for Land Transport. It was established under the Road Traffic Act 1980 and subsequently amended under the NLTA Act No. 16 of 2019.
The main objectives of NLTA are mainly to: 
To manage, monitor, regulate and oversee land transport;
Regulate road worthiness including safety accreditation of motor vehicles and trailers; and
Be responsible for the Licensing and Registration of motor vehicles and trailers;

A Licensing Board has been set up to replace the Licensing Committee (Amendment to NLTA Act). The Licensing Board is responsible for determining any application made for the issue, grant or transfer of a Public Service Vehicle Licence (PSVL), a certificate, a permit, an authorization, a clearance or a registration under the Road Traffic Act as the case may be.

Our Vision
To establish the NLTA as a forward looking regulator engineering the provision of sustainable road transport services and as a reference for innovative service reforms to meet public needs.

Our Mission
To provide the strategic framework for the delivery of public transport services and plan for future needs of the country.
To regulate and control the transport of goods and passengers with a view to ascertaining that the public benefits from adequate, safe, affordable and reliable transport services.
To review legislation, streamline procedures and undertake capacity building for improving efficiency and service delivery to our customers.

Our Objectives
To ensure the implementation of government policies in respect of vehicle registration, licensing, parking control, vehicle examination and road transport services.
To review the legal framework and procedures relating to vehicle registration, licensing and enforcement.
To enforce the provisions of the Road Traffic Act and regulations made hereunder for the provision of satisfactory transport services and better compliance with safety requirements on our roads.
To take over new responsibilities with a view to acting as one-stop shop for matters relating to vehicle registration and licensing.
To ensure that the standards of vehicle examination are improved and maintained.
To ensure that smoke and noise emission standards are complied with for a cleaner environment.
To exercise effective and strict control on on-street parking to ensure that the overall objectives of parking control are achieved.
To computerize records on motor vehicles in order to provide more comprehensive and expeditious services to customers and for better coordination within the department and with other institutions.
To plan transport services to respond to changes in demand patterns and to cope efficiently with the challenges lying ahead.
To maintain a congenial working environment among all stakeholders in the road transport sector with a view to setting a communication channel, solving operational problems and facilitating implementation of              decisions.
To effect timely payment of compensation for the free travel scheme, subsidy on diesel to bus operators and issue of ID Cards for students and disabled children and adults.
To set up a Customer Service Hotline Centre to address issues or complaints in connection with NLTA Services.



The National Land Transport Authority (NLTA) is a public body operating under the aegis of the Ministry Land Transport. It is a regulatory body for Land Transport. It was established under the Road Traffic Act 1980 and subsequently amended under the NLTA Act No. 16 of 2019.
Contact Details

M.S.I Building, Les Cassis, Mauritius

Tel: (230) 202 - 2800
