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FAQ - General
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Budget and Discussions
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Frequently Answered Questions
These FAQs are being provided in order to clear any confusion as far as possible. For any additional clarification, you may send an email to and the FAQs will be revised accordingly, as appropriate, for public information.
1. On which sources of information should I rely for transport issues?
Members of the Public should rely on the Government Information Services (GIS) and other Communiqués as released by the NLTA in the Press, MBC or audio channels which are official and reliable source of information.
2. Are the measures permanent?
No, they are exceptional measures in view of the present COVID-19 sanitary situation. These measures may be revised depending on the evolution of the situation.
3. Should I present my vaccination card at the entrance of NLTA Cassis and other sub offices?
4. I am a bus conductor and my conductor’s license is expiring. What should I do?
You should contact the NLTA as soon as possible through your employer. The employer has the contact details of the NLTA Inspectors in order to initiate necessary actions.
5. How will bus operation be enforced?
The NLTA is the only regulatory body providing time tables to bus operators. Inspectors of the NLTA will be deployed to monitor and ensure that bus operations are provided as per the approved schedules.
6. I applied for a contract bus/car license. When will I be called for a hearing?
Hearings have been resumed since 29 June 2021. You will receive your convocation letter in due course.
7. Can I still renew my Motor Vehicle License (MVL) online?
If you renewed your MVL online previously, you will be able to do so this time again provided you have a valid insurance.
8. Does purchase of personalized registration mark be effected at the NLTA office instead of online?
Purchase of personalized registration mark comprising a combination of letters from FN to ZZ followed by four numeric figures from 1 to 1000 is available on the online platform of the NLTA only.
9. If I purchase the personalized registration mark online, is there any way to pay for it except with MasterCard?
Payment can be effected with credit card only.
10. I have not purchased the car yet, can I purchase the personalized registration mark first?
No. Only reservation of the personalized registration mark can be effected against payment of Rs 2000. The reservation period is valid for one year only and shall not be transferable.
11. After I have purchased the personalized registration mark, when will it be eligible for use?
Upon purchase of the personalized registration mark, you are required to call at the NLTA, Cassis for collection of the horse power after five working days. You should bring along the horse power, receipt of payment and National Identity Card.
12. Is personalized registration mark starting with ‘A’ to ‘FL’ available?
You should apply for a specific registration mark starting with letters ‘A’ or ‘FL’ followed by numeric figures from 1 to 3000 on a prescribe form available on the website of the NLTA or at the reception desk of the NLTA, Cassis.
13. I have applied for an ‘A’ or ‘B’ carrier license. How will I be informed of the outcome of the application?
The decision will be uploaded on the website of the NLTA at You should verify the unique reference number provided at the time of application on the NLTA website whether it has been uploaded. If yes and it has been approved, you shall call at the office of the NLTA, Cassis for implementation of the license.
14. What happened in case my application for ‘A’ or ‘B’ carrier license has been rejected?
Those applicants, whose reference numbers have not been approved as posted on the NLTA website, may call at the office of the NLTA, Cassis for clarification so as to re-apply, as may be the case.
15. I have been granted a variation of my PSV Contract bus license from tourist to employees and same expired on 30 June 2021. Will there be any extension?
Licensees of PSVL Contract bus (Tourist) who have made a variation of their licenses to the category of employees up to 30 June 2022, will upon request as from 07 June 2022, be granted a further extension up to 31 December 2022.
16. How should I proceed for such extension?
You should call at the Head Office of the NLTA at Cassis during working hours and produce your National Identity Cards, present licenses and a letter to request for such extensions.
17. Has the validity of PSVL been extended in view of difficulties being faced by contract bus operators due to Covid-19 pandemic?
Yes. The validity period of PSVL for contract bus operators involved in the conveyance of tourists has been extended up to 31 December 2022 with effect from 07 June 2022.
18. Has there been any extension to implement a Public Service Vehicle License for contract bus operators?
Yes. The delay for the implementation of PSVL for contract bus operators has been extended with effect from 07 June 2022 up to 31 December 2022.
19. Does it apply also for other types of PSVL?
Yes. As from 07 June 2022, the delay to implement a PSVL in respect of taxis has been extended up to 31 December 2022.
20. What about contract car license?
As from 07 June 2022, the delay for implementation of contract car license has been extended to 31 December 2022. The delay for replacement of contract cars has also been extended to 31 December 2022.
21. Due to the new school calendar year 2022, has there been any extension to the student identity card (Blue Color) expiry date?
Yes. The Student Identity Card (Blue Color) for Secondary schools expiring on August 2022 shall be valid up to April 2023.
22. When do I need to apply for renewal of my student identity card (Blue Color) for the year 2023?
As from July 2022, students should contact their respective schools for renewal of their Student Identity cards (Blue Color) for the School Calendar 2023.
23. What should I do if I don’t want to renew my Petrol Service Station License?
A holder of a Petrol Service Station License who does not intend to renew his/her license, shall, not later than 14 days before the expiry of the license, give notice, by registered post or by email on to the NLTA of his/her intention not to have his/her license renewed.
24. What will happen if I failed to renew my Petrol Service Station License after the expiry date?
Any holder of a private Petrol Service Station License, who has failed to renew his/her license after the expiry date, a surcharge of 50% calculated on that fee will be applicable, subject to date of expiry.
25. Do I need to produce any additional paper for the renewal of my Petrol Service Station License?
Yes, holders of Petrol Service Station Licenses are informed that the renewal of Petrol Service Station Licenses shall be effected upon production of a valid Fire Certificate from the Mauritius Fire and Rescue Services.
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